Monday, June 18, 2007


Reposted from Librarian Activist Website:

These links lead to journals or magazines that offer alternative views of librarianship. There is a strong emphasis on independent thought and critical perspectives.

Counterpoise:"A quarterly review journal that makes independent points of view widely accessible to librarians, scholars and activists." They publish articles, reviews, bibliographic tools for the alternative press, and indexes.

Progressive Librarian:"A forum for critical perspectives in Librarianship, featuring articles, book reviews, bibliographies, reports and documents that explore progressive perspectives on librarianship and information issues." Many full text articles available online.

Library Juice:"A biweekly online magazine for librarians, library and information science students, and other interested people. It includes discussions, commentary, announcements, humor, web links and news affecting the library world."

Information for Social Change:An activist organisation "that examines issues of censorship, freedom and ethics amongst library and information workers." It publishes its journal twice a year and all of it is online.

Hermès:A bilingual e-journal (french and english), with the objective to publish a series of critical texts on the information society, media and society as a whole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.