Friday, June 22, 2007

post mortem

The end of my day at AMC and I am seriously exhillahrated, the zine caucus is over and I believe it went well. Todays events have renewed my hopes, vision, and feeling that I cand have an impact. In workshops I learned about videoblogging, video montage, and ways that organizaitons are using new media technologies in education. At the zine caucus, we actually had a pretty good turn out and a great if not all over the place discussion about the place of zines in the alternative media world, the place of zines in libraries, the place of infoshops and zinesters in the alternative media movement and all random rambling that fall in was a pie in the sky hour really...topped by the fact that I got to meet and chat it up with Julie Herada, curator of the Labadie collection at The University of Michigan. A group of really great young twenty somethings attended that are starting their own local politics zine and I met a librarian from Detroit who was part of an info shop here that crumbled due to some interesting powerstruggles...I spend most of my time isolated from peers that share any of my interests and find myself locked to the internet for support and information concerning the zine community, alternative media librarianship, and people who understand how important libraries can be in our society. My experience at the AMC has been...moving, challanging, and so deeply satifying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish i had come to the caucus! instead i was at dinner with my co-presenters, planning our next morning's 'women of color and zines' session. sounds like it was great.