Saturday, March 31, 2007


Alternative Literature: a Practical Guide for Librarians
By Chris Atton, published by Gower Publishing Company; 1996.
ISBN: 0566066597
This book provides solid argument for maintaining a balanced collection of alternative materials and serves as an aide in selecting and acquiring quality alternative press materials, it also includes a detailed bibliography which will serve as a fantastic reference for zine librarians.

Alternative Materials in Libraries
By James P. Danky ed, published by Scare Crow Press; 1982.
ISBN: 0810815087
Examines the relationship between librarians and the producers of materials for libraries such as book and periodical publishers. A moving political read which holds to the belief that librarians have the power to affect their communities by using alternative materials in their collections. A most cherished book for any librarian with a bent toward making a difference.

From A to Zine: Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library
By Julie Bartel, Published by the American Library Association; August, 2004.
ISBN: 0-838908861
A guide specifically for zine collection development in the library. Thorough in dealing with zine purchasing, zine history, zine cataloging, and promoting. The author shares her experiences with beginning a zine collection at the Salt Lake City Public Library. A must have resource for librarians who are interested in beginning a zine or alternative press collection.

Thinking Outside the Book : Alternatives for Today's Teen Library Collections
By C. Allen Nichols, published by Libraries Unlimited; Feburuary 28, 2004.
ISBN: 1-59158059-5
Written with young adult services in mind, particularly collection development. This book provides new ways to promote library services to this age group. A particularly helpful resource for the young adult’s librarian interested in beginning a zine or small magazine collection. Includes a bibliography of collection development resources.

Notes from the Underground: Zines & the Politics of Alternative Culture
By Stephen Duncombe, published by Verso; October, 1997.
ISBN: 1-85984-158-9
A thorough academic but enjoyable examination of zines and their impact on pop-culture as a political/social instrument for change. Looks at the pros and cons of the impact zines have had on society. Provides thorough examination of zine history and their relevance in contemporary society.

Zines! :Incendiary Interviews with Independent Publishers, Vol. 1&2
By Vivian Vale, published by V/Search Publications; June, 1996.
ISBN: 0-9650469-0-7
Includes reviews of independent publications which build on the topic and subtopics of self-publishing. This volume is authoritative and used as a textbook in many Universities as an aide in illuminating underground publishing culture. The second volume is a comprehensive guidebook to the Zine Movement, and includes zine history and a how to guide for self-publishing.

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