Friday, March 9, 2007


Chris Dodge: Street Librarian
Chris Dodge’s street librarian page provides links to a comprehensive zine directory, an annotated list of articles and books about zines, links to zine blogs and chat groups, collectives, distros, and info shops. Any one interested in underground publishing, alternative librarians, and alternative libraries will find the articles on this site up to date and excellent.

Grrrl Zine Network
This website provides links to guides, papers, thesis’s, dissertations, and journal and newspapers articles on zines; including a link to articles concerning zines in libraries. Also included are links to zine resources, and interviews of zine publishers.

How Does one use the Dublin Core Metadada Format to Encode a Collection of Zines
An inquiry page project that thouroughly investigates and seeks to answer the question, how to catalog zines? Includes several links to zines.

How to Start a Zine Library in Ten Easy Steps: A Mini-guide for Public Librarians
by Miriam DesHarnais, this article outlines essential important steps for any librarian to consider when starting a zine collection. Short, consise, and helpful.

Library Card: The Baltimore County Public LIbrary Zine Collection
A zine which chronicals BCPL's collection from the beginning, with information on cataloging zines, collection development, etc.

Owen Thomas’s Bibliography: More Matter with Less Art
Own Thomas’s webpage is deceivingly simple. He has created an A-Z directory of zine publishers, as well as a directory with links to zine reviews and zine review zines. Other zine related articles can be found under the heading “zine pages” this also includes related articles and links. There is also a link to posts in att.zines.

Zine Librarians
This list is welcome to all who are interested and active zine archivists. It is a think tank for zine librarianship on relevant important topics such as collection, preservation, cataloging, classification, programming, etc.

Salt Lake City Library
Salt Lake City Public Library is an excellent web resource. Their zine library has become a beacon for many zine collectors affiliated with public libraries under the guidance of librarian Julie Bartel, author of From A-Zine, Building a Winning Zine Collection. This Site includes links to review zines, zine libraries, and Distros world wide, as well as helpful general zine information.

Zine World: A Readers guide to the Underground Press
Zine World is completely run by a volunteer staff which impressively reviews all forms of media (excluding music) that is not produced corporately. Their in-depth website provides helpful links to distros, infoshops, zine libraries, zine-related events and other review zines.

Zine Book

Chip Rowe’s self described resource guide to zines, e-zines, and zine culture. This site provides an annotated directory to zine libraries, archives, galleries, distros, info shops, publishers, reviews, books and articles about zines, legal issues, internet zine discussion groups, online catalogs, and more!

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