How it got started:
December, 2007 was a busy month for me. I graduated, packed up my life and moved to Nashville to start my new job at the Watkins College of Art and Design as their Assistant Librarian.
After just four months on the job, budget time rolled around. I knew this was my only chance for the fiscal year to get an alternative media budget together. So,I wrote a letter to my Dean and Library Director introducing the idea of a zine collection, citing other academic libraries with zine collections, particularly noting that Pratt, a reputable art and design college, has such a collection. I also gave a small intro into zines, their history, and benefits for libraries.
I was told that my zine idea was "interesting" and given the green light to make a proposal. I had a weekend to pull it together.
I found the most helpful resources in drafting said document on the Barnard Library Zine Collection pages developed by Zine Librarian Jenna Freedman. I was most grateful to have access to these online resources available under the creative commons: attribution share alike 2.5 license.
Zinebrarianship: d.i.y. library zine collections
Hand out by Jenna Freedman which includes "Elements to include in a proposal for a zine (or other special/alternative materials) collection at your library" Boston Zine Fair, March 2006.
How to Start A Zine Library in Ten Easy Steps
I also found the Baltimore Public Librarian Miriam DesHarnais's guide, to be of great help in formulating a plan and vision for starting a zine library collection.
Sample Zine Collection Proposal
Written by Jenna Freedman, Coordinator of Reference Services, Barnard College, 2003
The following is a tweaked introductory proposal that I submitted to our Library Director and Dean March, 2007.
Watkins College of Art & Design Library (WCAD)
Zine Collection Proposal:
March, 2007
December, 2007 was a busy month for me. I graduated, packed up my life and moved to Nashville to start my new job at the Watkins College of Art and Design as their Assistant Librarian.
After just four months on the job, budget time rolled around. I knew this was my only chance for the fiscal year to get an alternative media budget together. So,I wrote a letter to my Dean and Library Director introducing the idea of a zine collection, citing other academic libraries with zine collections, particularly noting that Pratt, a reputable art and design college, has such a collection. I also gave a small intro into zines, their history, and benefits for libraries.
I was told that my zine idea was "interesting" and given the green light to make a proposal. I had a weekend to pull it together.
I found the most helpful resources in drafting said document on the Barnard Library Zine Collection pages developed by Zine Librarian Jenna Freedman. I was most grateful to have access to these online resources available under the creative commons: attribution share alike 2.5 license.
Zinebrarianship: d.i.y. library zine collections
Hand out by Jenna Freedman which includes "Elements to include in a proposal for a zine (or other special/alternative materials) collection at your library" Boston Zine Fair, March 2006.
How to Start A Zine Library in Ten Easy Steps
I also found the Baltimore Public Librarian Miriam DesHarnais's guide, to be of great help in formulating a plan and vision for starting a zine library collection.
Sample Zine Collection Proposal
Written by Jenna Freedman, Coordinator of Reference Services, Barnard College, 2003
The following is a tweaked introductory proposal that I submitted to our Library Director and Dean March, 2007.
Watkins College of Art & Design Library (WCAD)
Zine Collection Proposal:
March, 2007
What are Zines?
Zines pronounced like “magazines” are self published magazines or journals, created by someone with something to say and distributed for non-profit. Many Zine authors are artists who express themselves through Zines of various formats and content. Some Zines display high production values such as color plates or glossy pages, others are simply black and white pages stapled together.
A zine acquisitions project could help The Watkins Library towards achieving our 2007/2008 institutional objectives of:
Expanding our resources for the Watkins community :
The asking price for a Zine is usually one to three dollars to cover costs for printing and mailing. Subscriptions are generally around $10.00. The only other added costs here would be shipping and storing supplies. A zine collection can be built and maintained withing a reasonable cost and time frame.
Creating a more vibrant library atmosphere:
A zine collection will be an outreach tool to our student body which. Not only will it provide our community with unique reading materials, but will also serve as a repository for created works of students who create in this format.
Stimulating a student body interest in reading:
Zines appeal to a wide range of populations outside of the normal realm of general library users. A Zine collection is a great way to reach out to reluctant readers. Zines may provide a gateway to get Watkins students more interested in making reading a part of their creative habits.
Additional Benefits
Zines, like regular magazines and periodicals cover a variety of topics, our Zine collection would relate to the Watkins community interest of art and creativity. Zines will be selected for their variety and creative content.
Many members of the Watkins community create Zines. Watkins faculty and students as well as outside artists may donate their zines for our collection.
Zines may be ordered through the following distributors:
1. Fall of Autumn
2. Microcosm Publishing
3. Parcell Press
Art-Zine Book Vendors:
4. Printed Matter
5. Oooga Booga
6. Art Metropole
Zines pronounced like “magazines” are self published magazines or journals, created by someone with something to say and distributed for non-profit. Many Zine authors are artists who express themselves through Zines of various formats and content. Some Zines display high production values such as color plates or glossy pages, others are simply black and white pages stapled together.
A zine acquisitions project could help The Watkins Library towards achieving our 2007/2008 institutional objectives of:
Expanding our resources for the Watkins community :
The asking price for a Zine is usually one to three dollars to cover costs for printing and mailing. Subscriptions are generally around $10.00. The only other added costs here would be shipping and storing supplies. A zine collection can be built and maintained withing a reasonable cost and time frame.
Creating a more vibrant library atmosphere:
A zine collection will be an outreach tool to our student body which. Not only will it provide our community with unique reading materials, but will also serve as a repository for created works of students who create in this format.
Stimulating a student body interest in reading:
Zines appeal to a wide range of populations outside of the normal realm of general library users. A Zine collection is a great way to reach out to reluctant readers. Zines may provide a gateway to get Watkins students more interested in making reading a part of their creative habits.
Additional Benefits
- Unique nature of collection may attract potential students to Watkins
- Unique nature of collection may attract community interest in Watkins
Zines, like regular magazines and periodicals cover a variety of topics, our Zine collection would relate to the Watkins community interest of art and creativity. Zines will be selected for their variety and creative content.
Many members of the Watkins community create Zines. Watkins faculty and students as well as outside artists may donate their zines for our collection.
Zines may be ordered through the following distributors:
1. Fall of Autumn
2. Microcosm Publishing
3. Parcell Press
Art-Zine Book Vendors:
4. Printed Matter
5. Oooga Booga
6. Art Metropole
Technical Aspects
Cataloging and processing: Zines will be processed in a manner similar to our periodicals.
Should zine collection grow beyond control of assigned shelving, backup will be stored/archived for a period in the nearby file cabinets which hold exhibition catalogs and pamphlets.
A portion of our collection will be housed in our library permanently, pending on storage space and validity to the Watkins mission.
Zines may be checked out and enjoy similar circulation privileges to books. Zines must be checked out though sign out sheet at the circulation desk until we get our collection entered on the new OPAC in 2008.
Budget & Funding
An alloted amount of zine funding could come from our periodicals budget. We may also have a zine open house event in our library in which we ask for donations to help fund the Watkins Zine project.
Action Plan
· Clearance plan with necessary authorities
· Determine acquisitions work flow
· Plan for open house in the fall/fund raising
· Create MS Access database and workflow manual for processing zines
Cataloging and processing: Zines will be processed in a manner similar to our periodicals.
- Upon receipt, zines will be entered into MS Access database indicating order process completed.
- Basic descriptive information will be entered into cataloging fields on MS Access database using Sears subject headings
- Zines will be displayed on periodical shelf which as of now holds a rarely circulating cartoon book display.
- Zines will be given an accession number in MS Access which will be repeated on zine backing for inventory and tracking purposes
- Zines will be displayed with cardboard stiffeners and plastic sleeves used for comic books
- A list from MS Access will be exported into a report with title descriptions. Patrons may search for items in our zine collection from updated report.
- Zine collection information will be migrated from MS Access to our new online catalog set to be in place for the next fiscal year, 2008.
Should zine collection grow beyond control of assigned shelving, backup will be stored/archived for a period in the nearby file cabinets which hold exhibition catalogs and pamphlets.
A portion of our collection will be housed in our library permanently, pending on storage space and validity to the Watkins mission.
Zines may be checked out and enjoy similar circulation privileges to books. Zines must be checked out though sign out sheet at the circulation desk until we get our collection entered on the new OPAC in 2008.
Budget & Funding
An alloted amount of zine funding could come from our periodicals budget. We may also have a zine open house event in our library in which we ask for donations to help fund the Watkins Zine project.
Action Plan
· Clearance plan with necessary authorities
· Determine acquisitions work flow
· Plan for open house in the fall/fund raising
· Create MS Access database and workflow manual for processing zines